Erfolgreiches Management betrieblicher Informationssysteme
By Karl-Rudolf Moll, Manfred Broy, Markus Pizka, Tilman Seifert, Klaus
Bergner, Andreas Rausch. 2003.

Managing Componentware Development - Software Reuse and the V-Modell Process
By Ansorge D., Bergner K., Deifel B., Hawlitzky N., Maier C., Paech B., Rausch A., Sihling M., Thurner V., Vogel S. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1626, Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Page 134-148, ISBN 3-540-66157-3, 06/1999.

Conformity and Integration of Software Processes
By R. Breu, W. Huber, W. Schwerin. In Proceedings of ICSSEA'2000, Volume 2, CNAM Paris, France, December 2000.

Software Engineering: Schlüssel zu Prozssbeherrschung und Informationsmanagement
By Broy M., Ehler H., Paech B., Rumpe B., Thurner, V. TCW Verlag München, 04/2000.

A Componentware Development Methodology based on Process Patterns
By Bergner K., Rausch A., Sihling M., Vilbig A. In Proceedings of the Pattern Languages of Programs Conference 1998 (PLOP98), Monticello, Illinois, 11.-14. Aug. 98.

Componentware - Methodology and Process
By Bergner K., Rausch A., Sihling M., Vilbig A. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, 05/1999.

Requirements Engineering for Embedded Systems
By Manfred Broy. In Proc. FemSys'97, 1997.

Requirements Engineering für eingebettete Systeme
By Manfred Broy and Thomas Stauner. In Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik (it+ti), 2:7-11, Oldenbourg Verlag, 1999.

Towards a Product Model of Open Source Software in a Commercial Environment.
By Deng J., Seifert T., Vogel S. In 3rd International Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering. ICSE, May 2003.

Requirements Management for automotive systems development
By Bernd Gebhard and Martin Rappl. In Proc. of the International Congress of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 2000.

The Living Software Development Process
By Michael Gnatz, Frank Marschall, Gerhard Popp, Andreas Rausch, Wolfgang Schwerin In: Software Quality Professional, Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2003.

Re-Engineering for Reuse: Integrating Reuse Techniques into the Reengineering Process
By Linos P.K., Molterer S., Paech B., Salzmann C. Technical Report No. TUM-I9824, TU München, November 1998.

A Formally Founded Description Technique for Business Processes
By Thurner V. In B. Krämer, N. Uchihira, P. Croll and S. Russo (editors): PDSE'98: International Symposium on Software Engineering for Parallel and Distributed Systems, pp. 254-261, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, California, 04/1998.