ICSE 2004 workshop on

Software Engineering for Automotive Systems

Edinburgh, May 25th, 2004

[News]   [Theme]   [CfP]   [Dates]   [Submission&Contact]   [Program]   [Keynote]   [PC]   [Organizers]


Theme and goals of the workshop

Software is taking a leading role in automotive development and innovation. It is commonly estimated that software and electronics account for 90% of all innovations. Already today cost for software and electronics in current premium cars make up 40% of the overall cost. The applications are not anymore limited to classical embedded control systems, such as airbag control software, but cover a broad range from mission critical embedded systems in the X-by-wire field, driver assistance to infotainment and personalization in the MMI (Man Machine Interface) area.

The next generation of premium cars is expected to host a cumulated amount of up to one gigabyte of binary code of software deployed via a set of embedded platforms. To design, implement and manage a complexity of such a huge, heterogeneous distributed system with increasingly short innovation cycles, neither the techniques and methods of classical embedded systems are suitable, nor the known ones in the desktop and business software domain. To tackle this challenge we need furthermore new adapted software engineering methods for the automotive domain that allow to design the different software types specifically, corresponding to their requirements and later on integrate the system parts to one reliable and manageable system. We therefore see the discipline of automotive software engineering (ASE) as a massively emerging research field with heavy impact in industry.

This workshop is intended to provide a discussion forum for researchers and practitioners working in or interested in the field of automotive software. A particular goal is to discuss established software engineering concepts for their adoption to the automotive domain towards an explicit discipline of software engineering including tailored techniques and methods for automotive software.

Special focus of this workshop are models as well as specification and engineering techniques that support system integration in a field characterized by a sharp division of labor between original equipment manufacturers and different suppliers.

Call for Papers

We sollicit submissions in the domain of automotive software engineering that are concerned with one or more of the following subjects:

Important Dates

Submission and Contact Information

Authors should submit papers that do not exceed 8 pages. These articles must not be submitted elsewhere. Submissions will be handled by the general ICSE CyberChair, please click here. Please direct any inquiries to Alexander Pretschner, pretschn [_AT_] in.tum.de.
Formatting instructions can be found at the corresponding ICSE webpage.

Venue and Travel

Please refer to the corresponding
ICSE webpages.


All talks will take 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. The invited presentation is scheduled for 45 minutes plus 10 minutes of discussion.

Session I: Invited Talk; Databases (chair: A. Pretschner)
09.00 09.05 Welcome A. Pretschner
09.05 09.50 Invited Talk: Challenges in Automotive Software Engineering J. Bortolazzi
09.50 10.00 Discussion all
10.00 10.30 COMET: A Component-Based Real-Time Database for Automotive Systems Nystroem et al.
10.30 11.00 break all

Session II: Testing and Requirements (chair: A. Pretschner)
11.00 11.30 Modeling Features for Multi-Criteria Product-Lines in Automotive Industry Buehne et al.
11.30 12.00 Systematic Model-Based Testing of Embedded Control software: The MB3T Approach Conrad et al.
12.00 12.30 A framework for interlacing Test with Design Horstmann et al.
12.30 14.00 lunch all

Session III: From Architecture to Code (chair: T. Stauner)
14.00 14.30 Towards a Process and Tool-Chain for Service-Oriented Automotive Software Engineering Krüger et al.
14.30 15.00 FAR EAST: Modeling an Automotive Software Architecture Using the EAST ADL Lonn et al.
15.00 15.30 Incorporating Autocode Technology into Software Development Process Vitkin et al.
15.30 16.00 break all

Session IV: Design; Discussion (chair: T. Stauner)
16.00 16.30 Towards a Design Pattern for Automotive Telematics Systems Costagliola et al.
16.30 16.40 Issues for Discussion T. Stauner, A. Pretschner
16.40 17.20 Discussion all
17.20 17.30 Wrap-up T. Stauner

Accepted papers, sorted by first author:
  1. Modeling Features for Multi-Criteria Product-Lines in Automotive Industry
    S. Buehne, K. Lauenroth, and K. Pohl, University of Duisburg-Essen; M. Weber, DaimlerChrysler AG
  2. Systematic Model-Based Testing of Embedded Control software: The MB3T Approach
    M. Conrad and I. Fey, DaimlerChrysler AG; S. Sadeghipour, ITPower Consultants
  3. Towards a Design Pattern for Automotive Telematics Systems
    G. Costagliola, S. Di Martino, F. Ferrucci, and M. Risi, University of Salerno; G. Oliviero and D. Freni, Elasis Scpa
  4. A framework for interlacing Test and/with Design
    M. Horstmann and E. Schnieder, TU Braunschweig; P Mäder, S. Nienaber, H.-M. Schulz, EXTESSY AG
  5. Towards a Process and Tool-Chain for Service-Oriented Automotive Software Engineering
    I. Krüger, D. Gupta, R. Mathew, P. Moorthy, W. Phillips, and S. Rittmann, University of California, San Diego
  6. FAR EAST: Modeling an Automotive Software Architecture Using the EAST ADL
    H. Lonn, T. Saxena, Volvo Technology Corp.; M. Nolin, Mäardalen University; M. Torngren, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  7. COMET: A Component-Based Real-Time Database for Automotive Systems
    D. Nyström and M. Nolin, Mälardalen University; A. Tesanovic, C. Norström, and J. Hansson, Linköping University
  8. Incorporating Autocode Technology into Software Development Process
    L. Vitkin and T.K. Jestin, Delphi Electronics & Safety

Keynote Presentation

Challenges in Automotive Software Engineering
Dr. Jügen Bortolazzi, DaimlerChrysler AG Sindelfingen


After a phase of being one of the major enabling technologies for many innovations, quality and cost issues offer new demands on the management of automotive software. Stringent processes from specification to approval and release as well as standardization are now coming into focus, whereas new competitive functions have still to be integrated. Furthermore, the integration of onboard and offboard functions as well as software updates during the life cycle of a car have to be handled.
Todays processes, methods and tools for embedded software development are mainly capable to deal with the software of one single ECU, whereas the design of a complete incar system demands the design and integration of more than 50 ECUs from different suppliers, with different levels of realtime requirements and many distributed functions. To keep integration efforts and quality cost in a manageable range, both the architectural design and function specification phase as well as the integration test phase have to be much better supported. Design for testability and design for service issues are additional challenges to be adressed. Last but not least, the tradeoff between standardiszation and competitive proprietary innovations becomes a strategic issue. The presentation offers both challenges and some solution approaches currently under development at Mercedes Benz passenger car development.

The speaker:

Program Committee

  • Manfred Broy, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany
  • Rance Cleaveland, SUNY / Reactive Systems Inc., NY, USA
  • Thomas E. Fuhrman, General Motors R&D Center, Warren, MI, USA
  • Klaus Grimm, DaimlerChrysler Corporate Research, Berlin, Germany
  • Ingolf Krüger, UCSD/Cal-(IT)2, La Jolla, CA, USA
  • Ashok B. Ramaswamy, Delphi Automotive Systems, Kokomo, IN, USA
  • Bran Selic, IBM SW Group - Rational Software, Kanata, ON, Canada
  • Clemens Szyperski, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA
  • and the organizers.


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last modified Apr-30-2004, Alexander Pretschner