Fakultät für Informatik

TU München - Fakultät für Informatik
Software- and Systems Engineering Research Group


Vorlesung | Wintersemester 2014/15
Ausgewählte Themen aus dem Bereich Software Engineering - Internet of Things and Services
Dr. Christian Prehofer



Time and place of the lecture: Wednesday, 09:00-10:30 AM, room: Konrad Zuse (01.11.018)
ECTS points (SWS): 6
First lecture/exercise: Wednesday, 8. October 2014
Office hours: lecure: by agreement
Audience: Students of Informatics after Bachelor/Vordiplom
Prerequisites: Lecture "Computer networks and Distributed Systems" or similar
Time and place of the exercises: Wednesday, 10:35-12:00 AM (after the lecture, same room)
Remark: It is strongly recommended to attend the exercises. The programming tasks will be reviewed and count as 40% of your final grade. To attend the oral exams, you have to pass the two programming projects.

Exercise Team: Maximilian Irlbeck, Andrei Mituca
Exam: Update: There will be oral exams on 11./12.02.2015, the planned exam on 16.02. will not take place. Time slots and place of the exam can be found here: DatesOralExams.pdf

If you have any questions, please contact Maximilian Irlbeck


All important news concerning the lecture will be anounced here.

Atmel has donated 30 Atmel AVR Raven Starter Kits for IoT, each including two wireless nodes and one USB dongle!
Intel has donated 15 Galileo Gen 2 board sets!
  • [08.10.2014]: First slides and work sheet are online.
  • [22.10.2014]: Task description for first programming task is online.
  • [17.12.2014]: Exam will take place on 16.02.2015!
  • [14.01.2015]: There will be oral exams, dates and time slots will be announced soon.
  • [04.02.2015]: Place and time slots for oral exams were announced.

Contents of the lecture

The notion of the Internet of Things refers to pervasive devices (i.e. the "Things"), which are increasingly networked and connected to the Internet. These devices can act as sensors or actuators an interact with other devices, e.g. including mobile phones, and with the global Internet. While these devices are very limited in computing power and energy, many new technologies have been developed which make it possible to use standards like IPv6 and Java on such limited devices. The lecture will cover these new technologies and novel applications of the Internet of Things, including networking technology as well as software development for the Internet of Things.

  1. Introduction to Internet of Things
    • Application Areas
    • Requirements (energy, CPU power)
    • System architecture
  2. Connecting Things
    • Network architecture
    • Physical layer, e. g. IEEE 802.15.4, Bluetooth
    • Protocols for Internet of things
    • IPv6 Adaptation layer
  3. Programming Things
    • Sensor programming and execution model
  4. The Web of Things
    • REST Architecture
    • Cross-layer optimizations (CoAp)

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Letzte Änderung: 2015-02-04 16:47:35