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Theorem Proving with Isabelle/HOL
An Intensive Course

Tobias Nipkow


This course is an introduction to theorem proving with the Isabelle/HOL system. It is largely based on the book Isabelle/HOL — A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic and covers the most important definition mechanisms and proof methods. The course ends with an introduction to Isar, Isabelle's structured proof language.

The course is aimed at students who are seriously interested in becoming acquainted with computer-assisted theorem proving. It combines a practical how-to approach with the necessary logical background material. At the end of the course students are able to define and reason about functional programs, logical and set-theoretic formulae, and simple mathematical models of discrete systems (for example in a set-theoretic style).

No prior background in theorem proving is required, but familiarity with and a basic understanding of logical and mathematical notation and some minimal exposure to functional programming is assumed.


The course is divided into 8 sessions of roughly 90 minutes each (at a quick pace):
  1. Basic notation. Recursion and induction on lists.
    In the first half of the session the syntax of terms and types in HOL is introduced. This is followed by a prototypical example of recursion and induction on lists: the append and reverse functions are defined and rev(rev xs) = xs is proved. This introduces the proof methods induct and auto and allows students to start with proofs about lists.
  2. Datatypes and primitive recursive functions
    A thorough introduction to the definition of datatypes and primitive recursive functions. This generalizes and extends the material of session 1. It starts with a few words on the meta-logic just to explain the notation.
  3. Simplification. Induction heuristics.
    The concept of (conditional) term rewriting is introduced and its realization as the proof method simp is explained. Important generalization heuristics for inductive proofs are discussed by way of an example, the correctness proof of an iterative list reversal function.
  4. Propositional logic.
    Introduces natural deduction proofs for propositional logic and the proof methods rule and erule for applying introduction and elimination rules.
  5. Predicate logic.
    Introduces natural deduction proofs for predicate logic. Also shows how to compose theorems in a forward direction.
  6. Sets.
    Set notation and inductively defined sets.
  7. Isar: Propositional and predicate logic.
    So far all proofs are just linear lists of proof commands, without any structure. This is typical for interactive proof assistants. Now we introduce Isar, Isabelle's structured and readable proof language, a stylized language of mathematical proofs. The presentation is based on this paper
  8. Isar: Induction and calculational proofs.
    We introduce constructs for inductive and calculational proofs. The latter are chains of equalities and inequalities.


All slides [pdf] (printable version: [ps])

Session 1.1 Slides [pdf] Demo.thy
Session 1.2 Slides [pdf] Demo.thy
Session 2 Slides [pdf] Demo.thy
Session 3.1 Slides [pdf] Demo.thy
Session 3.2 Slides [pdf] Demo.thy
Sessions 4 & 5 Slides [pdf] Demo1.thy Demo2.thy
Session 6 Slides [pdf] Demo1.thy Demo2.thy
Sessions 7 & 8 Slides [pdf] Demo1.thy Demo2.thy

Last modified: 9/8/2004